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The President’s Message – Your Board is Never Bored

The President’s Message

Your Board is Never Bored
Dr. Melissa Drum

Melissa Drum DDS, MS
President, American Board of Endodontics

Life is always riding the waves and your Board is no exception. The last few years brought extensive changes but throughout it all, all exams were still administered, and all Board functions continued. Instead of getting “back to normal” your Board continues to update, advance, and move everything forward. We once again hosted our Oral Exams at our new testing center in St. Louis, the Sheraton Westport Plaza. We continue to receive positive feedback on this examination space, particularly that candidates no longer need transportation to the testing center from the hotel. Their convenient location allows candidates easy access to and from the examination center.

In 2022, the ABE examined 187 Oral Exam candidates and reviewed 107 Case History Portfolios.  The Written Exam was administered over two days through Pearson Vue testing centers to 226 examinees.
The Written Exam 2023 returns to a one day administration through Pearson Vue and will take place on May 16, 2023 for our 224 registrants.  There were also 84 ABE Diplomates who completed their Recertification requirement in 2022.

Many heartfelt thanks to our wonderful and dedicated group of past Directors who continue to volunteer and serve as examiners for both the Case History and Oral Exams.  We simply could not examine this number of candidates per year without their help and support.

Your Board has updated recertification guidelines, and created detailed descriptive manuals for any future Board members and Board staff. This allows for efficient workflow but also protects the Board during any unanticipated sudden transitions. All of this was done while still conducting everything involved with 5 examinations a year, running constant service and communication to candidates, Diplomates, and every interested party. In other words, email after email, phone call after phone call, meeting after meeting – all with the Diplomates and candidates’ best interests in mind.

Now, you may think all this success is due to exceptional leadership. Well, it is, but not mine. Our staff of Ivana Bevacqua, Patricia Scaletta, and Kerri Hannen is second to none. I’ve never worked with a more organized, streamlined, and motivated group of individuals. Their personal and professional commitment to this Board during all of life’s waves is more than I have witnessed anywhere else. They also carry an unbelievable workload so we will be adding another member to this team to help them keep their heads above water.

As far as an exceptional Presidential leader, well, I’m nothing special. Every Board member I’ve been lucky enough to serve with has been a truly selfless leader of your profession. While I certainly hope I’m remembered for my positive impact, that is not unique to me. Your Board always has been and always will be composed of tireless volunteers with a commitment to the ABE and AAE and a drive to make the Board the best it can be for the candidates, diplomates, and patients. I’m the outgoing President which means I am already a has-been. It’s time for someone new to take the reins. I want you all to consider this opportunity. Who will take my place in 5, 10, or even 20 years? These organizations thrive because people are willing to give their time toward continuous improvement. That someone could be you! The Board has a self-nomination process that allows any Diplomate to nominate themselves to serve on the Board. Please consider giving of yourself. It is an enormous commitment, but it is the most meaningful Board I have ever served. This is a highlight of my career and of my life, and I’m so grateful for all the wonderful friends I have made along the way. I only hope that others can experience the joy you give and receive when helping the profession in this manner.

Speaking of future possible Board Presidents, congratulations to our 91 new ABE Diplomates. They will be honored at the Grossman Ceremony in Chicago during this year’s AAE Annual Meeting. We can’t express how proud you all should be for what you’ve accomplished to receive that status. Congratulations to you, your friends and family, and all your future patients.

We also want to welcome our 2023 newly elected directors, Dr. Scott Doyle and Dr. Frank Portell. We have no doubt they will be an integral part of the future of the ABE.  Thank you to my colleagues that I was fortunate enough to work with on this Board.  I know that even greater things are around the corner with this current Board that serves your organization. These are your ABE leaders: Dr. Bradford Johnson, Dr. Avina Paranjpe, Dr. Fabricio Teixeira, Dr. Sami Chogle, Dr. Anibal Diogenes, Dr. Joseph Dutner, Dr. Meetu Kohli, Dr. Neville McDonald, Dr. Garry Myers, Dr. Kent Sabey, Dr. Renato Silva, Dr. Brian Bergeron, and Dr. Timothy Kirkpatrick. Please consider adding your name to the list of ABE leaders.

Life is indeed riding the waves, and these last 6 years have been the best surf of my life. Come on in, the water is warm.