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Seiler Offers Educational, Hands-On Experience

Seiler Instrument & Manufacturing Co, Inc. is proud to announce an educational hands-on experience to all dental students and residents located in the United States. Seiler is offering each university the opportunity to receive a new Alpha Air Dental Microscope with 4K video to be placed into their facility for a period of six months at no charge to the University. The students and/or residents will be able to gain a better understanding of ergonomics, magnification, and practicing four handed dentistry in their environment. The Alpha Air microscope will come equipped with a Go Pro option which will enable the end user to take single shot images, record, and live stream 4K video to a monitor. Seiler representatives will educate the students on how to integrate video and digital documentation into their daily work flow. This is an excellent documentation tool for not only the dentist but also the patient and the assistant.

In the past, microscopes were equipped with an objective lens that was fixed at a set working distance. The most common objective lens was the 250 mm with a 15 mm fine focus travel. This meant that the dentist would have to work at a 10” working distance while only attaining a 15 mm fine focus range. This set objective lens made the learning curve a little longer because if the doctor needed to work in a different quadrant the dentist would either move the chair, patient, or the microscope to be at the correct focus distance. To help reduce the learning curve, Seiler has equipped their microscopes with a variable focus lens. The variable focus lens allows the end user to attain a 150 mm fine focus range which is ten times greater than the previous objective lens. This allows much more flexibility for the end user, and a greater ergonomic benefit as well. Seiler will educate the students on how to use this new tool to their advantage while working under the microscope. Seiler will attend the APICES, and will be providing educational hands-on demonstrations at the booth.