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A Letter to Endodontic Residents

One of my favorite things to do as Foundation president is visit with endodontic residencies across the U.S. and Canada. The Foundation decided to reboot school visits after a three-year hiatus due to COVID. The reboot allowed time for reflection and to reimagine our strategic plan as a board.  It has been exciting to share with endodontic educators and residents the Foundation grant programs that impact their education, research, clinical experience, and their humanity. During my visits, I share new programs such as Domestic Access to Care program and the Annual Meeting Resident Development Scholarship. I highlight recent changes to the Competitive Research Grant program, which allows the Research and Scientific Affairs Committee to leeway to request minor revisions within the grant cycle they applied for funding. I remind residents and their faculty about long-standing programs like the Resident Research Grant, Endodontic Educator Fellowship Award, Full-time Educator Development Grant, 10-year Anniversary Grant, and ADEA Leadership Scholarship.  

I have been inspired meeting or specialty’s future. Endodontic residents are enthusiastic, bright, committed, and engaged. I encourage endodontists in private practice to connect with an endodontic residency. I promise you will come away with more enthusiasm, a little smarter, excited to save teeth, and care more passionately for your patients. You will need your roller skates to try to keep up!  Our specialty is blessed to have been chosen by these dentists.  

Residents, as you conclude your residency, I say “Bravo!” You can see the bright light at the end of your tunnel. You are about to be done with this chapter in your life. This moment in time will be your smartest as you make final preparations to take your written boards. There are many changes to look forward to in your future. Embrace these changes in your personal and professional life. As you transition from student to private practice endodontist or full-time educator or maybe a combination of the two, the Foundation hopes you reach back and help the underserved in your community. You have many gifts, clinical skills, and compassion, that can make a difference in a person’s life. The Foundation supports service to underserved communities with the Domestic Access to Care program; all AAE members are eligible to apply. If you plan to commit to full time education, I encourage you to take advantage of Foundation programs specifically designed to allow endodontists to teach endodontics. Lastly, as you prepare to take the next step in your life, always remember to give of your time, talent, and money. Give to your family, give to your community, give to your school, and give to your specialty.