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Other Ways to Give

There are various other ways you can consider contributing to the Foundation with your resources and talent. Below are common contribution types and vehicles, including ways to give of your time:

Tribute Gifts

Making a memorial contribution in honor of or in memory of an endodontist or the loved one of an endodontist, is a beautiful way to celebrate a special achievement, honor the life of a loved one or memorialize your mentor. These memorials are recognized in a special section on the Individual Donor Honor Roll.

You can make a memorial contribution online or mail a check with the honoree's information, including full name and any special message you would like relayed. Please ensure to include the donor's full name and AAE member ID# (if applicable) in the memo field of the check. You can also contact the Foundation office at 800/876-3636 to make a memorial contribution over the phone.

Gifts of Stock, Bonds or Mutual Funds

When you donate a stock directly to the Foundation which has appreciated in value since purchase, you do not pay the long-term capital gains tax incurred by selling the stock yourself and donating the proceeds.  Your charitable deduction is the full fair market value at the time of donation for stocks owned more than a year, not the net amount after taxes. The same tax benefits apply to bond or mutual funds.  If your gift stock has decreased in value, you may want to consider selling first to take the loss for tax purposes. 


Charitable Gift Annuities

Donating through a Charitable Gift Annuity (CGA) allows you to make a future gift to the Foundation while receiving income during your lifetime from your assets. A CGA is a simple contract with the donor, paying a guaranteed fixed life income to one or two beneficiaries in return for a contribution of cash, securities, or other tangible assets. You can fund an annuity for yourself and a spouse, or another beneficiary. At the end of the beneficiary’s life (or lives for two recipients) the residual is donated to the Foundation.   


The annuity amounts follow rates established by the American Council on Gift Annuities. Foundation for Endodontics charitable gift annuities are administered by the National Gift Annuity Foundation on behalf of the Foundation. The minimum amount for an annuity agreement is $20,000, and distributions cannot start until age 55, but CGAs can be funded at any age with deferred distributions. 

Patient Contributions

A gift to the Foundation is a wonderful way for a patient to demonstrate appreciation for services received from an endodontist.  Any interested patients should access the Patient Contribution Form, complete it and return it to the Foundation.

Donation of Royalties

If you receive royalties from authoring a publication, consider donating them to the Foundation as an easy way to contribute without tax consequences.

Future Gift Planning to Join the Freedland Society

Are you interested in promising a gift at a later time, leaving an ongoing legacy for future generations and/or contributing a non-income asset? All of these charitable goals can be accomplished through planned gifts tomorrow that may have tax advantages for you today. Future gifts can include:

  • Bequests
  • Charitable Annuities and Trust arrangements
  • Life Insurance
  • Retirement account beneficiary designations
  • Real estate
  • Personal property

Various types of trusts and annuities will allow you or the Foundation to realize a spectrum of income and tax benefits as your direct. For information on these alternative giving vehicles, please see our Estate Planning pages.

Become a Friend of the Foundation

Friends of the Foundation are an important group of volunteer fundraisers. They donate their time to educate their colleagues about the Foundation’s mission and develop support for its activities. Their enthusiasm is reflected in the Foundation’s successful growth and development. Friends of Foundation come from many different backgrounds. Their passion for the Foundation's mission fuels their interest in fundraising. If you are already a donor and interested in helping spread the Foundation's message, click the button to fill out the interest form. A member of the Foundation staff will be in touch with more information about how you can help!

Become a REACH member

REACH is a great opportunity for residents to learn about organized dentistry and to develop their potential to become future leaders. The committee is composed of ten residents. An effort is made to select participants from each AAE district and individuals who represent a broad cross-section of the resident community. Members serve for two years. Nominations are solicited from the AAE and Foundation Boards and graduate program directors.