Student Ambassadors
Residents are among the Foundation's most enthusiastic donors. Student Ambassadors are volunteers who serve as representatives of the Foundation. On trips to the endodontic graduate programs, the ambassadors introduce residents to the Foundation's mission and vision and encourage participation in foundation programs and the annual campaign.
Student Ambassadors are provided with a presentation and print materials to make their school visits with residents successful. The cost of travel and accommodations is covered by the Foundation and a stipend is provided to all volunteers.
“These school visits represent a coming together of youth and experience to seek a common goal: the improvement of endodontic care for our patients,” said Dr. Peter A. Morgan, a Student Ambassador. “Most residents understand this message, even though they may be at an economically challenging time in their career. The result is that many residents make a pledge to the Foundation and many programs have 100% participation in pledging with their residents.”
Each year, the list of Student Ambassadors grows and changes! If you are interested in volunteering as a Student Ambassador or hosting a visit to your program, contact A member of the Foundation staff will be in touch with more information.