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Competitive Research Grant Recipients

Support for endodontic research lies at the heart of the Foundation for Endodontic's mission. Approximately $260,000 is allocated to research grants annually. Funding is awarded to both residents and faculty members. The Foundation continues to support the specialty’s research initiatives as one of its main priorities.

Below are names and institutions of funded researchers. Thank you to all applicants for submitting research that strengthens and advances the specialty of endodontics.

Fall 2024

Grantees Total: $168,302.97

Renato Silva $45,434.30 University of Pittsburgh Exploring the Role of CCL2 in Apical Periodontitis
Lais Alberti Ferreira** $15,176.00 University of Pittsburgh Understanding the Role of SPP1 in Apical Periodontitis
Nikita Ruparel $80,358.00 University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio Comprehensive Dataset and Characterization of Genes, Cells and Biological Processes Differentiating Symptomatic from Asymptomatic Apical Periodontitis
Georgia Nikoloudaki* $10,195.00 Western University Advancing Regenerative Endodontics: Unraveling Bovine Decellularized Pulp Tissue as a Pioneering Scaffold for Predictable Pulp-Tissue Regeneration
Caden Pate $17,139.67 University of Alabama College of Dentistry UAB Characterization of Microbial Factors in Spreading Endodontic Infections

Spring 2024

Grantees Total: $84,249.72

Maryam Ghaffari* $25,867.00 University of Toronto Engineering a Biomimetic Microenvironment for the Maintenance of Quiescent Dental Pulp Stem Cells
Poorya Jalali $16,764.00 Texas A&M University Evaluation of irrigant extrusion when using Er,Cr YSGG laser in a cadaver model
Bruno Cavalcanti $5,364.00 University of Michigan Evaluation of intracanal medications on periapical inflammatory and bone metabolism cytokines in endodontic infections of healthy patients or patients treated with head and neck radiotherapy
Anibal Diogenes $35,254.72 University of Texas at San Antonio Comparative evaluation of antigen removal from infected root canals by GentleWave or Laser-activated Irrigation

*Indicates researchers who received $500 award for the highest scoring faculty proposal.
**Indicates researchers who received $500 award for the highest scoring resident proposal.