Honor Our Friend & Mentor!
The Foundation for Endodontics gratefully acknowledges the following individuals who have contributed to the McClanahan Tribute toward a $25,000 goal to permanently fund a Full-Time Educator Development Grant:
• Dr Brian Meade
• Dr Asgeir Sigurdsson
• Dr Sanaz Lavasani
• Dr Joseph Thomas Crepps III
• Dr Joseph Petrino
• Dr Michael Regan Anderson
& Dr Deborah Majerus
• Dr Mark Phillips
• Dr Sherma Saif
• Dr Patrick Taylor
• Dr Patricia Tordik
• Dr Katherine Divine
• Dr Ashley Asano
• Dr Buffy Storm
• Dr Alan Law
• Dr Jonathan Richards
• Dr Scott Doyle
• Dr Jeffrey Ryan
• Dr Stuart Miller
• Dr Tyler Peterson
• Dr Bernard Hofmann
• Dr Sandra Shambarger
• Dr Thomas Karn
• Dr Jeffrey Thorpe
• Dr Katie Kickertz
• Dr Steven Katz
• Dr David Kenee
• Dr Brandon Penaz
• Dr Kristine Knoll
• Dr Andrew Wiswall
• Dr Richard Stevens
• Dr Bobby Caruso
• Dr Gregory Engel
• Dr John Bogle
• Dr Jeffrey Wiswall
• Dr Steven Wiswall
• Dr Carolina Rodriguez-Figueroa
• Dr Natasha Flake
• Dr Janice Chou
• Dr Alexander Royzenblat
• Dr Duane Van Nieuwenhuyzen
• Dr Rhett Finley
Join us in honoring our colleague, mentor, and friend Dr. Scott B. McClanahan as he receives the I.B. Bender Award at AAE23 in Chicago.
Your contribution toward a $25,000 goal will help fund the creation of a named McClanahan Full-time Educator Development Grant from the Foundation, to be given annually in perpetuity to a full-time endodontic educator to ensure professional development needs are being met.
This tribute will be presented at AAE23 along with the Bender Award.
There is no one-size-fits-all contribution — the Foundation would love to help you explore possible giving options. Please reach out to Gary Rejebian, grejebian@aae.org or 312-517-2159 for more information on giving options.
Scott McClanahan Biography
Dr. Scott McClanahan’s service to endodontics exemplifies the model of an involved, contributing citizen. Currently a trustee of the Foundation for Endodontics, he is a former president and board member of the American Board of Endodontics, AAE, and the US Navy Association of Endodontists, and has served on a host of committees, task forces, and advisory boards.1
Stories of his dedication to preparing generations of endodontists at the University of Minnesota and Navy Postgraduate Dental School2 for their careers in the specialty are legion. His own endodontic training was itself legendary3, which he then sought to pass on throughout his career to all who crossed his professional path. His exhaustive manuals4 and OneNote notebooks5, articulating every expectation with military precision and putting every resource at his students’ fingertips, set up residents for success from the beginning to complete their training, join the AAE endodontic community, and attain board certification. Thanks to his high standards, residents interacted with preeminent clinicians over table clinics, became more adept at endodontic surgery, submitted research worthy of publication, and earned Diplomate status with the ABE6. Indeed learning doesn’t end with his training, as he continues to circulate to his UMN alumni new literature citations added to the residency reading list after their graduation7.
As a program director, he set his own best example, working tirelessly8 more hours than there are in a day9 and making himself available to residents outside clinic hours even at the cost of foregoing his own professional meetings10. As an educational leader, he both instilled an appreciation for the historical development of the specialty11 and created a culture of learning that fostered an extraordinary number of graduates with master’s degrees in addition to their specialty certificates,12 and produced new clinicians whose depth and breadth of experience made them disciples of knowledge rather than of a particular system or technique, armed to use a variety of approaches to achieve the best outcome13.. The legacy of his high standards and mentorship14 lives well beyond his retirement in the expectation of Board certification among University of Minnesota trainees which remains in place to this day15. His willing ability to share knowledge16 also inspired others to pursue careers in endodontic education17. He embraced industry relationships with the spirit of innovation rather than suspicion and, backed by the ongoing support of alumni18, brought leading-edge technologies into the classroom19.
Most admirably, Dr McClanahan is driven as much by humanity as a pursuit of technical excellence, recognizing individual potential and giving life-changing opportunities to his students to become more than they ever thought they could achieve20, building well-complemented teams of co-residents who become family to one another21 and treating everyone like family even when they are no longer under his tutelage.

Letter from Katie Divine
Some people make an indelible mark on your life. For me, Dr Scott McClanahan, “Mac,” was one of those people.
Mac’s military precision, attention to detail and expansive knowledge of endodontics are standards I strive to meet every day. He firmly cemented the notion that learning only begins with the completion of residency training. But I also cherish his humanity—a desire to give young professionals a chance and compose resident classes whose members uniquely complemented one another and became family supporting one another as we made our way through his arduous preparation to become endodontic specialists and consummate professionals. He continues to maintain those family relationships long after we leave his watchful eye and occasionally raised eyebrow.
Please join me in honoring Mac as he receives the prestigious IB Bender Lifetime Educator Award at AAE23 in Chicago next year. We are raising funds for a tribute gift to the Foundation for Endodontics to permanently fund a named McClanahan Full Time Educator Development Grant. The grants are given annually to support professional development and are a most fitting tribute to Dr McClanahan’s career of service to the specialty.
You can easily make your tax-deductible contribution toward the $25,000 goal to permanently fund the McClanahan named grant by donating online at www.aae.org/foundation/mactribute . Gifts by check can be sent memo: MacTribute to the Foundation in Chicago, or feel free to contact Gary Rejebian at grejebian@aae.org or 312-517-2159 if you’d like to discuss other giving options.
Looking forward to celebrating Mac’s career with you at AAE23!
Best regards,
Katie Divine
1 AAE membership records
2 Dr. W. Craig Noblett
3 Dr. Thomas O. Mork
4 Dr. Katie Divine
5 Dr. Andrew T. Wiswall
6 Dr. Jeffrey L. Ryan
7 Dr. Philip McKenzie
8 Dr. Carolina Rodriguez-Figueroa
9 Dr. Donna Mattscheck
10 Dr. Kenneth Zucker
11 Dr. Kendra K. Boda
12 Dr. Ronald Ordinola Zapata
13 Dr. Joseph Petrino
14 Dr. Michael W. Regan Anderson
15 Dr. Thomas A. Karn
16 Dr. Patrick E. Taylor
17 Dr. Patricia A. Tordik
18 Dr. Joseph T. Crepps III
19 Dr. James Spitzmueller
20 Dr. Katie Kickertz
21 Dr. Jeffrey Wiswall