AAE Supports the Ratification of the Dentist & Dental Hygienist Compact
In December, the AAE joined 13 other dental organizations in endorsing the Dentist & Dental Hygienist Compact. The Compact would allow dentists licensed in a participating state the flexibility to practice in another participating state – reducing barriers to licensure and access to care.
The AAE is proud to have supported the Compact, a product of collaborative efforts involving the National Center for Interstate Compacts, the Department of Defense, dental organizations, state bodies, and other public entities. This partnership ensured that the priorities of both patients and dental professionals were at the forefront during the development of the Compact.
In addition, The Association supports the model legislation aimed at ratifying the Dentist & Dental Hygienist Compact in states and is committed to its passage in state legislatures. AAE President Craig Hirschberg, DDS, recently sent two letters of support for Wisconsin legislation that would ratify the Compact in the state. The Association plans to advocate for the Compact’s progress in states where it is introduced, such as Kansas, Maine, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, and Pennsylvania.