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JOE Authors

Submitted manuscripts must pertain to endodontics and may be original research (e.g., clinical trials, basic science related to the biological aspects of endodontics, basic science related to endodontic techniques, case reports or review articles related to the scientific or applied aspects of endodontics). Clinical studies using CONSORT methods or systematic reviews using meta-analysis are particularly encouraged. Authors of potential review articles are urged to first contact the editor during their preliminary development at

Manuscripts submitted for publication must be submitted solely to the JOE and must not be submitted for consideration or be published elsewhere.

Review the Guidelines for Publishing Papers in the JOE before submitting your manuscript.

Submission Process
All manuscripts must be submitted online through the Elsevier Editorial System by following these simple steps:

  1. If you are the first-time user, you must click register at the top of the home page and complete the requested information. Upon successful registration, you will be sent an email indicating your username and password. Print a copy of this information for future reference. If you already have registered and had access to the submission site (even if your status changes from author, reviewer or editor), you are to simply log in.
  2. Once logged in, submit your manuscript according to the contributor instructions.
  3. You will be able to track the progress of your manuscript during the review by logging back into the submission site.

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