Paper Point Editorial – January 2024
Dear Endodontic Residents and New Practitioners,
Happy New Year! I hope that everyone is still holding strong to their New Year’s resolutions. This is a busy time of year for us all, so I wanted to deliver a couple of quick reminders.
First and foremost, it is time to start paying close attention to college basketball. In March we will be holding our 3rd Annual MTA Madness bracket challenge which will come with a hefty cash prize for the winner. Selection Sunday is on March 17, 2024; keep an eye on your inbox for more details with details on how to register for MTA Madness as the date gets closer.
Next, AAE24 registration has officially opened, and it will be time for us to be together in Los Angeles before long. Make sure that you are registered for the meeting + go ahead and lock in your travel and lodging arrangements before too much longer as prices will increase as April approaches.
Lastly, the RNPC is planning to ‘Keep APICES Weird’ this year by taking the meeting to Austin, Texas! Residents, mark your calendars for August 16-17, 2024, and plan to be there.
If you have any idea that you would like the RNPC to bring to life, questions about the transition from residency to the real world, want to learn more about getting involved with the AAE, or are ready to submit an article to the next edition of the Paper Point, feel free to reach out to me any time at
Laissez les bons temps rouler,
Austyn C. Grissom
Chair, Resident and New Practitioner Committee