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AAE Members Drs. Jason F. Foreman and William D. Powell Help Make Save Your Tooth Month Official in Their States

Compiled by Michael Dobrow

Save Your Tooth Month was one for the record books this year. In addition to wildly successful media opportunities featuring AAE President Dr. Craig S. Hirschberg and Immediate Past President Dr. Stefan I. Zweig, and an overwhelming, game-changing presence on social media, Illinois, Tennessee and Texas state legislatures proclaimed May as Save Your Tooth Month in their respective states. Members were the driving force behind these grassroots legislative efforts. The AAE’s Advocacy and Professional Relations Manager, Michael Dobrow, recently spoke with Drs. Jason F. Foreman and William D. Powell to learn more about their advocacy efforts.

Dobrow: Can you tell me about the proclamation you helped pass and what it aims to achieve?

Dr. Foreman: In April, the Texas House of Representatives adopted a resolution, (HR895) declaring May as Save Your Tooth Month throughout the Lone Star State! The resolution is an official recognition meant to highlight the benefits of saving you natural teeth, increase awareness about endodontists and meant to celebrate the AAE’s month long initiative.

Dr. Powell: My State Representative, Jason Zackary, took this through the process. It is House Resolution 89. He has been a strong supporter of Dentistry since before he was elected. He truly understands our issues and appreciates the value of good dentistry. He has a keen awareness of how good dental health is essential to good overall health. We usually meet at my office and he asks good questions so as to be well informed about saving teeth through Endodontics.

Dobrow: What inspired you to pursue this proposal and how did you go about getting it?

Dr. Foreman: I’m incredibly passionate about endodontics and I enjoy being involved in the promotion of the specialty. I know that the AAE works to promote the work they/we do, and I reached out to the Association to enlist their assistance in securing a statewide celebration in Texas – where I live with my family and practice. In addition to pointing me to their Save Your Tooth Month Member Tool Kit, they helped me connect with my lawmaker.

Dr. Powell: We discussed this at the ADA Dentist and Student Lobby Day at Washington, D.C. in March. It was wonderful the AAE had a presence there. We should always be there.

Our Association staff, in particular, brought this to my attention. I was happy to do my part. I felt I could get my legislators to move on it.

Dobrow: I understand you were both a part of the ADA ASDA Lobby Day event and represented AAE members in Washington D.C. this past March. What role do you see endodontists playing in advocating for policy changes and dental care reform?

Dr. Foreman: This event provides a unique opportunity to connect with fellow colleagues, mentor dental students and new dentists and advocate for the future of our profession. The issues that are discussed with policymakers affect us all. The importance of other endodontists having a seat at the table by attending national and local events cannot be understated.

Dr. Powell: I have been a part of the ADA Lobby Day for over 25 years representing the Tennessee Dental Association and the AAE. I have enjoyed a good and for the most part close relationship with Tennessee’s elected officials. Endodontists and the AAE need a strong presence at this event. Thankfully, in the past we have had many Endodontists attend , and we need to continue to do so.  I truly feel we do not need our own PAC, but strongly need to support ADPAC. We can be at the table when health care reform is made. If not at the table, then you are on the menu.

Dobrow: Is there anything else you’d like to share with AAE members?

Dr. Foreman: Get involved! Visit to stay up to date on the latest issues and don’t hesitate to reach out to the AAE. I appreciate the support from the Association and their SYTM online toolkit.

Dr. Powell: All AAE members need to be involved, not only with PAC contributions, but with our presence. Get to know the lawmakers and be able to share your ideas with them. The AAE staff is ready to help as is the ADA Washington Staff. Together, we can make a difference.