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AAE Responds to Misinformation-Ridden Article

Even in the midst of Annual Meeting week, the AAE keeps a close eye out for misinformation online. As a misleading article surfaced on the New York Post’s website, we have taken swift action to send a letter to the publication’s editor, as the article contained several false claims about root canals based on long-debunked research. Not only did the article purport that root canals are painful, but it likened the procedure to a “trend” and quoted its source as saying root canal is “the only procedure we do where we keep human dead tissue inside you” and other completely misleading, false statements.

In his letter to the editor, AAE President Dr. Stefan I. Zweig writes, “Our organization, which represents 8,000 endodontists, is concerned that your article is transmitting harmful misinformation that will cause unwarranted alarm among your readers, to the point where they might avoid a very necessary dental procedure.” He also requested a correction be issued for the article.

This is just the latest example of the AAE working for you around the clock and providing on-the-moment advocacy – even during the busiest week of the year.

We are with you all the way!