Boston Bound: Get Ready for an Unforgettable AAE25!
With just two months until AAE25 in Boston, the countdown is on! This year’s meeting promises informative CE, engaging special events, and the gratifying camaraderie of colleagues and friends.
Each educational track has been carefully curated by our track organizers, ensuring a diverse range of topics presented by both new voices and seasoned experts. The tracks include nonsurgical root canal therapy, surgical root canal therapy, trauma & emergencies, practice management, emerging trends, and submitted presentations. Finally, my personal favorite track is Endo Plus, which includes cross-disciplinary topics that encompass endodontics and related fields such as restorative dentistry, periodontics, pharmacology, and more.
The 2013 AAE Annual Session included a track called Endo in 2025. Now that it’s 2025, we’ll revisit those predictions in the Looking Back and Looking Forward session. Moderated by Dr. Rob Roda, it’s sure to be a thought-provoking discussion.
The special events at AAE25 will be as enjoyable as the educational content is informative. We’ll kick things off on Wednesday with an energizing and inspiring keynote by Ryan Leak, followed by the Welcome Reception. The Celebrate Boston! event at the historic Boston Public Library will be anything but a quiet Friday night at the library.
In addition to the CE and social events, I encourage you to attend your district caucus and the General Assembly to actively engage in AAE governance. Your district directors are eager to hear from you and share key initiatives from the Board of Directors.
During a recent visit to AAE headquarters in Chicago, I spent some time perusing a wall of artwork featuring posters from past annual meetings. I snapped a few photos of ones with special meaning to me: one from in 1967 in St. Louis, my childhood hometown; one from 2005 in Dallas, my first AAE annual session; one from 2013 in Washington DC, where I received my diplomate pin; and one from AAE15 in Seattle, my current hometown. As we approach AAE25 … if the trip to Boston is a homecoming, enjoy reliving old memories and creating new. If this is your first AAE annual meeting, welcome! I hope it’s the first of many. If you are to be pinned, congratulations! You are among a distinguished group of 116 endodontists who will be honored at the Grossman Ceremony. Finally, if Boston is your home, thank you for your hospitality!
AAE25 will be the culmination of more than a year of hard work by our Annual Meeting Planning Committee, educational track organizers, and AAE staff. A heartfelt thank you to these dedicated volunteers and professionals for their expertise and dedication to making AAE25 epic.
I look forward to seeing you all in Boston!