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A Year Like No Other

Dear Colleagues, This was most definitely a year gone by… like none other. As a society, a people and citizens of the world, we have endured unprecedented challenges that would…

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When Giving Back is Giving Forward

As we look around us and see a world overwhelmed by pandemic disease, hunger, and war, who is left caring about saving natural teeth? That is the mission to which…

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What Would I Tell My Younger Self?

Like everyone who wishes to be called a member of the human species, we are often driven naturally, to try to transcend our limits. On that journey as we live…

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The AAE’s Board Composition and Structure Project

The recent racial injustices of 2020 left many organizations admitting there is much work to be done in terms of building truly diverse and inclusive leadership pipelines and ensuring equality for all. The AAE, too, felt this sense of sheer urgency. We therefore are fast-tracking changes which were already in progress, as we find ourselves pressing down the accelerator of a vehicle already in motion – and that is our Board Composition and Structure Project, which I will elaborate on in this President’s Message.

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A Single Standard for Excellence: Endless Battles in an Endless War

The current Strategic Plan of the American Association of Endodontists cites in Goal 2 – “The dental profession will value endodontists as partners with advanced expertise in restoring oral health.”

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The Importance of Social Justice Advocacy and the AAE

I wish to address what advocacy really means, at its core … and I’m discovering that the term is quickly becoming important to our Association in a whole new way.

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President’s Message: Value in Retaining Natural Teeth

“Worth Saving” Campaign/Strategic Priority 1: Value in Retaining Natural Teeth: The public will value saving their natural teeth and seek endodontists — the specialists in saving teeth — for their care.

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Engaged Together in a Great Undertaking

It is safe to say these past weeks have been among some of the most tumultuous and emotional that any of us can remember in our lifetimes. Individuals and families, companies and communities have felt the impact of the coronavirus outbreak, across the United States and around the world. The response to this crisis has been extraordinary; as much for what it has required from our society as for what it has revealed of us as a people.

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Announcing the President’s Award Winner: Dr. Ken M. Hargreaves

Every year, the AAE’s esteemed President’s Award celebrates an outstanding member whose efforts to promote and advance the Association go above and beyond. It is incredibly important to me and the thousands of members I serve that we recognize this member. I could not be more pleased to present this award to a person who is a rock star on and off the endodontic stage. And whose passion for the specialty, those within it and future generations is inspirational.

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Unite and Conquer

­­­As we enter the final month before our annual meeting, I am more confident than ever that our profession remains devoted to our role in oral health and improved patient…

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