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ADPAC Participation Lends Endodontists’ Voice to Tooth Party

Take a look back at some defining moments of the relationship between AAE and ADPAC.

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Advocacy Alert: HealthGrades

The AAE recently learned that popular website, which pulls certifications from the medical specialties, does not include dental specialty board certification information on its site.

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AAE Supports Student Loan Relief in D.C.

The AAE recently joined the ADA and 14 other dental organizations that participate in the Organized Dentistry Coalition (ODC), in a letter supporting the recently introduced Student Loan Refinancing and Recalculation Act.

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Advocating for Quality Endodontics and Fair Payment Policy

An important component of the AAE’s advocacy for members and the specialty focuses on dental benefit plans. It is “quiet” advocacy because it happens through sustained relationship development with individual dentists who work as dental directors for dental benefit plans.

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Endodontists Participate in ADA/ASDA Lobby Day

On March 28, hundreds of dentists and student dentists took time away from practice and studies to advocate for our profession as part of the inaugural ADA Dentist and Student Lobby Day.

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Updates from Washington, D.C.

You might not know it from the headlines, but the day-to-day work of the new Congress is well underway. The ADA is busy on behalf of dentists, with the support of the AAE and other dental specialties who participate in the Organized Dentistry Coalition. The AAE has joined the ADA in several correspondence with representatives in Washington.

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Coding Advocacy: A Look Behind the Scenes

An important but overlooked component of AAE advocacy on behalf of members relates to the ADA Code on Dental Procedures and Nomenclature (CDT). AAE members frequently call for assistance with coding a claim or understanding why a claim wasn’t paid by a dental plan. We sat down with PAC member and AAE’s representative to the ADA Code Maintenance Committee, Dr. Kenneth B. Wiltbank, to find out more about what goes on behind the scenes.

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Advocacy in Action

With the recent election of a new government we have all been pondering what it takes to provide good leadership, sound decision making and vision. These attributes are requisite for a good leader and a great leader combines them with compassion, empathy and wisdom to advocate for their constituency.

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Advocacy in Action: AAE Leads Charge to Revise ADA Specialty Referral Guidelines

At the initiative of the AAE, seven dental specialties recently sent a letter to ADA President Dr. Carol Gomez Summerhays outlining serious concerns with the ADA’s Guidelines for Practice Success: Specialty Referrals. The guidelines were developed by the ADA’s Council on Dental Practice without dental specialty input. The letter details the shortcomings of the guidelines, starting with their lack of any mention of the nine ADA-recognized dental specialties, the significance of advanced specialty training, or the resources our organizations have available to patients and general dentists.

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President’s Message: Do We Have an Identity Crisis?

How many times have you introduced yourself to a patient and been asked, “What exactly is an endodontist?” The question implies that they have come to your office for a complex dental procedure through blind trust in the individual who sent them rather than knowledge of your credentials and expertise. It also is testimony to an identity crisis from which most dental specialties suffer. The reality is that the public at large does not understand the dental specialty process or how a specialist differs from a primary dental care provider. Typically, an identity crisis is defined as a state of confusion in an organization regarding its constitution or direction – our crisis is that our patients and even some of our dental colleagues do not really understand who we are.

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